It seems that our kids are frequently having out-of-school days. Whether those days are for actual holidays or teacher workdays. Either way, I guess to some parents it seems like a lot.
One of the craziest things I think, is those who don’t even have kids, seem to loudly voice their irritation at the fact.
I have always wondered, why.
Why do kids being out of school for days that are of course required holidays or out due to teacher workdays seem to offend some parents?
And I say offend because some of the remarks and complaints I here in several spaces, give me that impression.
You are your child’s first teacher.
I’m sure you have heard it and now you will read it again. Ultimately before anything or anyone else, you are your child’s first teacher.
You are who they look to for lessons, support, and their basic needs. There is no higher privilege than that.
I am in awe of the opportunities I get to teach and experience learning with my kids. It is not the teachers’ job, initially. It is ours as their parent.
Last Week’s Out-of-School-Days
I had several fun things planned seeing that Ty would be out of school for 3 days; Veteran’s Day and two teacher work days.
I had planned a movie night, a few games of UNO, a letter-writing/mailing lesson, and a session plus time well spent. The great part is that my young adult was able to join us between work shifts.
It didn’t go exactly as planned due to my son having some flu symptoms. I was glad to be able to be the one to care for him until he felt better. I’m looking for our next time to hang out together.
Whenever there is an out-of-school day for your kids, there is a renewed time for a special connection.
Use your next day to spend some time with your child even if it has to be after you get off from work.
Am I saying it will be seamless? It might not be, but it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be made a priority.
Use that time to build relationships with your kids. Teach, spend time, or just be present for them. Even if you think it doesn’t matter, it does.
Every single moment.