It’s Time To Eliminate What No Longer Serves You

If you are anything like me or imagine feeling like you must do certain things to appease others, it’s time for a change.

If that’s not you, then congrats! Please write a post about how you came to that realization. I will be waiting.

It’s always an eye-opener to know what and how others get to the conclusion of putting themselves first. All I know, it’s a wonderful feeling.

Finally, Freedom

It’s a feeling of freedom never experienced, a breath of fresh air, and a moment in time that has specific longevity.

Understanding that what you need and want is not only vital it shouldn’t be compromised. Allowing yourself to be in spaces where your needs are unmet or even considered is unnecessary.

Because who or what are we holding on it at the end of the day? When we look back on those situations in hindsight. Who won? There should have been an equal satisfaction level for all involved.

However, you were the one receiving less.

Putting yourself first, not because you are better, but because you are deserving. That is the new way of thinking for us and the norm for others.

The new day has arrived.

Make it plain, trust and love yourself enough to accept the mediocracy of treatment any longer.

No longer accept anything that doesn’t fill our cup. But from here on, eliminating what no longer shows us respect, care, or service will be accepted.

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